Solo Show


October / December 2024, Banco Azzoaglio di Torino

The works exhibited in Ratatouille try to bring the poetics of Edgard Degas Petits Rats into the contemporary. The Petits Rats, were mostly young dancers from the Parisian suburbs, and represent an unconventional beauty. In the modern era, this poetics stands as an alternative to superficial beauty, inviting us to seek beauty in unexpected places and to celebrate individual uniqueness. Finally, the poetics of the Petits Rats serves as a refuge from the incessant modern frenzy, offering an authentic and timeless beauty to contemplate.


14.09.24 / 27.09.24 
Con/Temporary Space Ex Teatro Macario, Torino

Dietro i Portoni shows 10 female portraits made with mixed media on cotton canvas between 2023 and 2024.
Each female portrait, with its flamboyant retro looks, contains
a profound message that invites us to reflect on the superficiality of appearances and on the masks we often wear in our lives
Through a mixed media on cotton canvas, Fieno captures the essence of these mysterious women, revealing details and nuances
which would otherwise remain hidden. They are faces that tell stories, complex personalities that often remain unknown to others.
Every brushstroke, every carefully chosen color, contributes to creation a unique and evocative atmosphere. Dietro I portoni lies a
universe of emotions and secrets, which can only be revealed through art.
These female portraits invite us to look beyond appearances, to go beyond the masks we wear every day.
They push us to reflect on our identities, on our stories personal and how these intertwine with the world around us surrounds.


25.03.23 / 22.09.23  Complesso Monumentale di Sant'Anna dei Lombardi, Napoli

Virtus, Virtutis is the final act of a profound reflection by Matteo Fieno starting from the work created by Giorgio Vasari in Naples: in an ideal dialogue with the Arezzo master, the artist declines the Virtues illustrated on the vault of the Sacristy in a contemporary key. A reinterpretation that is not only formal but also communicative that has transformed the project into an experimental bridge between eras. At the invitation of ParteNeapolis, which manages the museum area and events of the Complex, Fieno creates twelve canvases (150x150 cm), painted with mixed media, to tell on social media the prolific expressive power of a central theme for the history of art, with its ethical and theological implications. The publication in 2022 on Sant'Anna dei Lombardi's Instagram profile is followed today by the exhibition Virtus, Virtutis which brings five of the contemporary virtues painted by Matteo Fieno to Vasari's places: Sapienza, Concordia, Bontà, Prodigalità e Abbondanza. From the digital world to the analog one and not vice versa, to try to find assonances and similarities with a vision of Virtue that is universal by nature and yet different in every era. 


02.10.21 / 17.10. 21 - Palazzo Burgos - Fondazione Fossano Musica, Fossano

Le Ballerine di Carta  unfolds in nine portraits that give life to a unique fairy tale, told through drawing. 
The dancers show themselves to us with charm and sensuality as they perform everyday actions, unwitting protagonists of these nine modern genre scenes. At the same time, however, through these gestures they express the 
their essence, stimulating in the viewer the desire to know their stories, their characters, their aspirations, 
their world: the path thus becomes a road to maturity, not without the fears that the latter brings 
physiologically with you. 


15.05.21 / 27.05.21 - Galleria d'arte Wikiarte, Bologna

Le Ragazze di Madame Odette 10 canvases of ballerinas inspired by Paris in the early '900, the period of the Belle Epoque; Like every protagonist of one of my paintings and a story, all these girls find themselves confronted with society, with contemporary times, inspiring reflections and deep feelings. 

QUEL PAZZO 2020 Declinato al femminile

24.10.20 /31.10.20 - Galleria d'arte This is Not Torino, Torino

22 canvases made during the lockdown period that tell the story of Quel pazzo 2020 declinato al femminile  where the joy and insecurity of my women are combined with nonconformism and determination to achieve a dream.


22.11.19 / 06.11.19 - Milano Art Gallery, Milano

42 canvases - 42 women - 42 stories with which we can identify, because we can all share the same feelings despite cultural, social, linguistic, gender or racial differences... In fact, the main goal of a man who paints women is to pose an uncomfortable question about the fact that the world is perhaps not divided into factions as we have been told, but should only be seen with different eyes.

Main collaborations

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2024 - "Ratatouille", Banco Azzoaglio di Torino, Torino (Italy)
2024 - Collaboration with primary school "U.Sacco", Alba (Italy)
2024 - Collaboration with "Gufo Bianco" restaurant, Torino (Italy)
2024 - Collaboration with optical shop "Sipario", Alba (Italy)
2021 - "Le Virtù",  project realized with Complesso Monumentale di Sant'Anna dei Lombardi, Napoli (Italy)
2021 - "Big Bang" at Green Pea, first Green Retail Park of the world, Torino (Italy)
2020 - "Le Amanti del Re" Guido Ristorante, Fontanafredda, Serralunga d'Alba (Italy)

Main Collective Exhibitions

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2024 - Via POp 2, POVenti5, Torino

2021 - "A feminine vision", Galleria "La Maison de la Petite Sara", San Marino

2020 - "This is not a Dream" at Gallery "This is not Torino", Torino
2020 - "This is not Quarantine" at Gallery "This is not Torino", Torino
2020 - "Solstizio d'estate" at Galleria Zamagni, Rimini
2020 - "ArteGenova", at Galleria Farini stand2019 "Biennale Di Milano",  presented by Vittorio Sgarbi in Milan at Brera Site.

2019 "Art Parma Fair"2019 "Sembra complesso" curated by Anna Soricaro, at art Gallery "Zero1" Barletta, Italy.  Sponsored by Fondazione De Nittis.

2019 "Mostra Internazionale" curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, at  "Palazzo Leti Sensi” in Spoleto, Italy. 
2019 "Paris Artexpo" curated by Leonarda Zappulla, at "Galerie Thuillier" in Paris
2019 "Mantova Artexpo 2019" curated by Serena Carlino, at Museo Gonzaga in Mantova, Italy
2019 "Sugerencias" curated by Silvia Arfelli, at "BCM Art Gallery" Barcelona, Spain
2019 "Pro Biennale" presented by Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi, at  "Scuola Grande di San Teodoro", Venice, Italy. 
2019 "Human Connections" curated by Monica Ferrarini, at art Gallery  "Ess&rre", Rome, Italy.
2019 "Non Sogni" curated by Anna Soricaro, at art Gallery "Zero1" Barletta, Italy.  Sponsored by Fondazione De Nittis.
2019 "Animus et Anima" curated by Gina Affinito, at "complesso di San Severo al Pendino" Napoli, Italy.
Sponsored by Napoli city hall.
2019 "Disegnarte" curated by Laborart,  at art Gallery "Area Contesa Arte" of Rome, Italy. 

Featured on

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2024: Artribune, Matteo Fieno - Dietro i portoni
2024: Exibart, DIETRO I PORTONI.10 ritratti di donne oltre le apparenze – Mostra personale di Matteo Fieno
2024: Il Corriere di Bra, Alba, Langhe e Roero, Il rispetto spiegato ai bambini,si è chiuso il progetto annuale della scuola Sacco

2023: Il Mattino, Napoli, «Virtus, Virtutis» al complesso Sant'Anna dei Lombardi: Matteo Fieno in mostra con le 5 virtù contemporanee

2023: Gazzetta d'Alba, Virtus, Virtutis, mostra personale di Matteo Fieno – Complesso Monumentale Sant’Anna dei Lombardi, Napoli

2023: Artribune, Virtus, Virtutis, mostra personale di Matteo Fieno a cura di Ambra Giglio, accolta nella Sagrestia Vecchia del Complesso Monumentale di Sant'Anna dei Lombardi, scrigno napoletano affrescato da Giorgio Vasari con un ciclo pittorico dedicato alle Virtù.

2023: Ideaweb, Nei miei dipinti metto in evidenza le verità nascoste

2023: Il posto delle parole, Matteo Fieno “Virtus Virtutis”

2021 - La Testata "Matteo Fieno, mi descrivi le tue Virtù?"
2021 - Intervista su Il Posto delle Parole
2021 - Articolo sul settimanale La Fedeltà
2021 -  TargatoCn "La Fondazione Fossano Musica ospiterà  "Ballerine di carta" di Matteo Fieno
2021 -  Il "Le ballerine di carta di Matteo Fieno in mostra a Fossano"
2021 -  Artribune "Non solo scandalo ed erotismo: al Green Pea di Torino l'opera omaggio all'Origine del mondo
2021 - Art Shape "Matteo Fieno rilegge "L'Origine del Mondo" con la sua opera "Big Bang"
2021 - James Magazine "L'Origine del Mondo da Gustave Courbet all'arte contemporanea"
2021 - Pubblicazione sul numero 114 de La Repubblica
2021 - Tropismi "Le Ragazze di Madame Odette" di Cristina Celani
2021 - "Le Ragazze di Madame Odette"
2021 - James Magazine "Matteo Fieno. Le Ragazze di Madame Odette"
2021 - Bologna Today "Mostra personale di Ex e Matteo Fieno a cura di Pietro Franca"

2020 - Luxury Prêt-à-porter (versione cartacea e online) "Matteo Fieno. Donne senza veli"
2020 - The Cube Magazine "Matteo Fieno, l'artista delle donne"
2020 - Marie Claire "L' artista delle donne. Matteo Fieno scruta l'universo femminile con una galleria di 22 tele realizzate durante il lockdown"
2020 - Marie Claire "Il calendario delle mostre per l'autunno 2020"
2020 - "Langhe d'autunno: tre tappe d'eccellenza fra arte, cucina e vini del territorio"
2020 - James Magazine "Matteo Fieno: l'artista che ama le donne"
2020 - Art Special Day "Matteo Fieno: l'artista delle donne dallo stile impressionista"

2019 - Articolo sul quotidiano nazionale LA STAMPA  del 21 novembre 2019 "Le donne di Matteo Fieno lasciano l'atelier di Diano per Milano Art Gallery" di Roberto Fiori
2019 -  Il Giornaliero "Declinazioni al femminile: l'artista Matteo Fieno presenta le sue Opere al "Milano Art Gallery"
2019 - Articolo sul sito americano The New York Journal "Matteo Fieno: the artist of women"
2019 - Pubblicazione sul numero 34 del 2019 della rivista d'arte "Biancoscuro"
2019 - Pubblicazione sul numero 2 del 2019 del periodico d'arte "ART NOW"


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2019 - Finalist of "Premio Internazionale Michelangelo Buonarroti"
2019 - Selected for Short List of "Art Room Award - London" 
2019 - Finalist and winner of "Premio Mostra Collettiva" of "Biancoscuro Art Contest"
2019 - Finalist for the second edition of "Prisma Art Prize"
2019 - Finalist for "Premio Collaterale" of "Premio Lynx"
2019 - Paolo Levi's expertise for Big Jump, quotation of 4000 € 
2019 - Milano Art Gallery Prize, by Vittorio Sgarbi
2019 - Premio Caravaggio, by Vittorio Sgarbi